Multi-Modal Mobility Hubs
in Tompkins County
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The CCT is exploring Multimodal Mobility Hubs to improve first & last mile connections in Tompkins County.
Click here to learn more about the project >>
Have more to share or want to find out more about the project? Join our upcoming community meetings.
Zoom: Wed, March 26 | 6-7 PM
In-person: Tues, April 22 | 5-6:30 PM @ CCT Headquarters (803 Cascadilla St, behind Enterprise)
Our Mission
Bike Walk Tompkins works to make Ithaca and Tompkins County a community where
walking, biking, and rolling are safe, convenient, & accessible for all people.
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What You Can Do
Bike Walk Tompkins is a program of the Center for Community Transportation (501c3). We rely on grants, sponsors, bike sales, and individual donors to fund our operations and programming!
Please consider becoming a proud financial supporter of Bike Walk Tompkins, and join the movement for progressive, sustainable, and equitable transportation for all!
Bike Registry
We've partnered with Bike Index, a free nationwide non-profit online bike registry.
Check out local biking & walking maps, bike shops, a newly created audit of bicycle parking in the City of Ithaca, and more!