If you would like to donate by cash or check, send your donation by mail to:

Bike Walk Tompkins
P.O. Box 418
Ithaca, NY 14851

Attach a note within the envelope with your return mailing address if you would like a receipt for your donation.

Bike Walk Tompkins is in a unique moment of growth and opportunity while facing a funding gap in our organization — The Center for Community Transportation (CCT). CCT is the official 501c3 that provides the home for BWT, Ithaca Bikeshare, and Ithaca Carshare.

In 2023 we have seen:
- The opening of the BWT’s community bike shop & expansion of BWT’s bike skills and maintenance offerings
- Ithaca Bikeshare’s first year of operation that yielded 68,890 bike rides throughout our community
- Ithaca Carshare advocating and winning the fight for a program saving bill after being forced to pause since May 2023 due NYS regulation

Together, our three programs work together with the mission to provide safe, affordable, and environmentally sustainable transportation options. We share in our successes and in our struggles, and 2023 has proven to be CCT’s most financially challenging years. BWT joins Ithaca Carshare & Ithaca Bikeshare in fundraising for our future with a BWT-focused goal of $50,000.

- Niki Friske, Director of Bike Walk Tompkins