Advocacy Priorities and Action Alerts for Safer Streets

Bike Walk Tompkins has our sights set on three bills to advocate for on the state level. We’ve compiled brief summaries of priority legislation to promote safer streets, and created templates to click, add your name to, and send to state representatives to show your support.

The 25 MPH Speed Limit Bill (A1007 Paulin/S2021May)
Currently, municipalities outside of New York City are not permitted to reduce their default speed limit below 30 mph. This bill would allow other cities, towns and villages in New York State the option to set their speed limit at 25 mph.

The Three Foot Passing Bill (A547 Steck)
This bill would establish that a person driving a car must give a person riding a bicycle at least three (3) feet of space between the car and the bicycle when passing. It creates an opportunity for clear and strong education for motorists about what constitutes a safe passing distance.

The Idaho Stop/Stop-As-Yield Bill (A3104 Fahy/S920 May)
People riding bicycles are more vulnerable at intersections than those driving cars because they accelerate more slowly than people driving cars. This bill would allow a person riding a bicycle who is approaching a stop sign to treat it as a yield sign, scanning for cars and pedestrians in their path, and upon seeing none, continue rolling through the intersection.

Take action in NY state!

  • Thank you from Assembly District 125
    Send AM Kelles a thank you for her support of the 25MPH speed limit bill, and encourage her to support other legislation for safer streets. You can open a letter template directly in your email by clicking here, or access the template via Google docs.

  • Reach out to Transportation Leaders

    Write to NY state transportation committee chairs, Chairman Magnarelli and Chairman Kennedy, and ask for them to bring the 25MPH Speed Limit Bill to a vote. We have a template here for you to open in your email to adapt and send, and also via Google docs.